Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

With Mother's Day's happening yesterday, I thought I would spend a little time on this subject as it relates to my mother and her impact on me.

My mother has endured a pretty amazing emotional roller coaster ride in the last several months...From the depths of despair & shock, as I call her from the ER and say "Oh by the way, I am at the Hospital...they say I have a Tumor, to the Fear of my surgery and eventual diagnosis, to our current reality....Lots of Laughter! So, I think it is only fair to spend a little time on this special person in my life.

When I said our current reality....Lots of Laughter, I figure I better explain. One of the positive outcomes of my whole recovery process is that my Mom and I talk about every other day. Inevitably we start talking about something that just gets us laughing! My mom and I laughing can be a pretty infectious environment and it always brightens my day.

The latest topic is a computer that I attempted to build for her. After a series of issues, my mom has the partially built PC. Now is where the Keystone cops routine comes in. Several weeks later and several hundred $ later, my mom has a pile PC parts and the local Computers for Schools group has the rest. I think my mom and I could have created a movie short called "The Keystone PC Hacks try to build a computer"

Laughter aside, my mom and I have always had a special relationship. When I think back over the years, it is always the fun things that I remember. Like my mom coming to Iowa State Univ and my Fraternity when I was a Freshman for Mom's weekend. The laughter was really out of control after she got hammered on 2 glasses of wine and started telling stories about me to my Pledge Dad and his Mother. It took me a year to live that one down. :) The second best part of that weekend was she took me grocery shopping!!! For a freshman at college, that was huge...and she used her "hidden cash" to buy it, so Dad wouldn't find out. (OOPS Sorry for outing you Mom...Dad should was 20 years ago.)

Its little things like that I think of when i think of my Mom. Memories like these and other little things like the fact that if I have ever been hurt or anywhere near a hospital, she has been there! And no matter what the situation, the two of us can find something to laugh about. I guess that's where I learned to grasp at the "Good Stuff" all the time.

So this is my tribute to my mom on Mother's Day. (A day late and a dollar short as usual)
Mom - Happy Mother's Day, I love you, and thanks for always keeping me laughing!


JacquelineMarie said...

God bless you and Happy Mothers Day to YOU too---you do have all of those big puppies, don't you???? Motherhood comes in all forms and shapes, and what about all of those kids you have taught--this day goes out to you too!!! Steve your day comes in June!!
Keep the spirit!

~Val said...

Only met your mom once, in the New H hallway, but she must be a pretty amazing person to have nurtured along the likes of you...look how well you turned out!! :-)

So happy belated Mother's day, Steve's mom!!

alcohol van lyle de said...

With Steve having built the computer I'm currently using I need to send a word of caution to Joanne. Sometimes the keyboard gets out lsdkfjjjjjjjjjjja; of control dlkafdja;ljlasjdfka;sdfja; and at other times, the computer will decide its wants to shut off right in the middle of

Joanne said...

You little sh__ -- Outing your mom on international turf!
Thanks -- it was a tough job, but in spite of me you turned out pretty good.
Thanks Val!
Lyle: it wouldn't even turn on! #$%&%& And hey -- did you hear Swan beat him at golf the first day out?!

markopat said...

Wow...this is really getting to see mommy put Stevie in his place in his blog. I am putting a call in to TMZ so they can monitor this escalating confrontation!

I heard Swan only used a 7 iron and a putter as well...ouch.

Mothers Rock!

Marky P

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and they were Steves' clubs, too! I forgot mine!
Did I mention I'm left handed?