Thursday, December 11, 2008

Madison Trip - Snow Day Redux

Went up to Madison for my monthly appt with Dr Ian to get my chemo drugs for the month. My Mom was scheduled to drive, but when we woke up to the Rain/Ice/Snow, we decided not to put her through that and opted for Kim to take a day off and drive.

As soon as we crossed the WI border, the snow pounced and we realized that we were not going to be home that night! Here we go again. So I dialed up the hotel at the UW Clinic and away we went. The 1.5 hr drive only took 3 hours. :)

We went to our appointments, of which went very well, my blood counts are perfect as Dr. Ian put it. Diana and I had to do the NeuroCognition Tests for the Clinical Trial. Spatial Recognition tests and memory tests. I ROCKED THEM! I have to take these test every 4 months during the clinical trial. They have become somewhat of a game, and Diana and I laugh alot during them...(Diana - I told you I would still remember at least 10 of them on Thursday - Bean, Corn, Potato, Lettuce - Tennis, Basketball, Golf, - and Engineer, Professor, Teacher, and Dentist!!!!! I GOT 11. ;) - You don't think I am not competitive do you? :)

Rock and Roll ...... this round of Chemo, and 2 more and I am done with CHEMO!!!! MRI is next month!

So after some tense time at the hotel trying to find someone to take care of our Dogs while we were trapped in Madison with parts of 90 closed, we were saved by Mendy!!! Thank you again for taking care of our dogs while we were stuck! She truly saved the day!

So Kim and I checked into the hotel, took advantage of the time and.... NAPPED! Woo Hoo!

The highlight of the day was when we walked down a block for dinner and had the best greasy bar burger in Madison! Go BLUE MOON!

18 Days until I am officially a Cancer Survivor!! 1 Year Post Surgery 12/29/2008. Thanks to your prayers and thoughts, I made it!!! Hope Lives!!

Peace Out!

1 comment:

~Val said...

Happiest snow-day post I've seen in awhile...

And that list you had to remember...the dinner menu? All of the jobs you wanted to have?? (PS: My secret squiggly-word I have to write today is istronat - is that a job you wanted, too?? To fly into space??)

I think you are cruising in the Carib right about now...It's gray and windy here in IL if that makes you feel any happier - HA!

Sip a pina colado for your Illinois buds!!
