Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Hearts of Angels

I had to write tonight. I have been witness to an Angel at work...My niece Brianna.

I was wowed by her school program honoring veterans with my dad as one of the honorees earlier this week, but what she has done this weekend for a school project truly has me speechless.

Her project was to write a 5 paragraph "Story" about "a tomorrow". I have copied it below as it was written.

Here it is word for word:

Oh no! I just heard my Uncle Steve is in the hospital! This is so horrible!!!! How could this ever happen?! He has stage 4 brain cancer. His tomorrow is in danger.

When I heard the news, I started crying. I couldn't help it! He was so healthy. He is in the hospital right now. He already had his surgery. He has a scar shaped like a C. My brother and I always pray for him at night. We can't visit him now because I am sick. Soon we will visit him.

My Uncle Steve is still in the hospital. We keep trying to make him feel better with pictures, and drawing funny stuff, and coloring pictures. Alot of people visit him, like family and friends. We still haven't visited him yet. I can't wait to feel better so I can see him.

We finally saw my Uncle Steve today. He still has cancer. Almost every 2 months Uncle Steve has an MRI. He is still healthy and happy.

The lesson I learned from Uncle Steve's cancer is don't give up and keep trying. With a bit of support from your family, your tomorrow will be good and filled with love.

Wow! Brings tears to my eyes every time I read it.

Thank you Brianna. Thanks to you, my tomorrow will definitely be good and filled with love!!

It never ceases to amaze me...the power I get every day from the support of others - family and friends, and every once in a while...beautiful words from an angel.

--Brianna, if I have any pull with your teacher, you will get an "A" ! :)


Joanne said...

Isn't she just amazing. I stole the report and copied it on my blog, too!

~Val said...

Wow. Out of the mouths of babes...

(this teacher gives her an A+).