Sunday, April 13, 2008

Inspiration from Odd places

After the results of my latest MRI, I was on a pretty solid week long High, and it wasn't just me... Everyone around me was able to share in the excitement from my family to my friends!

I apologize for not posting earlier, but any post that I would have written would have been one word long... WOW.

On Dateline this week they had the story about Randy Pausch, the Carnegie Mellon Professor that was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and given 6 month of good living left. I found it flipping the channels and was able to watch it in its entirety. The tears flowed easily by the end of the show.

The brief synapsis for those of you that missed it is that he is not letting his diagnosis bring him down. The story is about his "Last Lecture" and how he is using his positive outlook carry him through his Cancer fight. He puts it very eloquently..."We can not change the cards we were dealt, only how we play the hand!" The entire lecture was about 2 things - Achieving your Childhood Dreams, and Enabling the Dreams of Others, but watch out for the "Head Fakes at the end...thats what put me over the edge with the Tears. :).

As I hope you can see, there is some similarity to what he is doing and what I am trying to do. He is so much more eloquent and inspiring with his approach. This is solidified my perspective and inspired me. The most amazing similarity was one comment he made in his lecture. At some point during his acceptance phase after the diagnosis, Randy and his wife looked at each other and said "It is what it is".

Those are the exact words that Kim and I said to each other the minute they said that I had a tumor, the minute the gave the pathology report, and the minute that they layed out the treatment plan.

"You can't change the cards you were dealt, only how you play the hand." That is going to be with me forever.

You can get a copy of Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture" through Itunes U for free for you IPOD users or you can get it from YouTube...just search "Randy Pausch" or "Last Lecture" I can't recommend it enough. It is inspiring! It truly makes you realize what you have.

Peace Out!


~Val said...

I saw this and, of course, thought of you. I'd seen snippets of his lecture on another TV show and his journey is, as you said, captivating and inspiring.

I'm glad you've found some additional strength from his journey, and hope it continues to carry you forward as you "X" off the calendar days, weeks, months and YEARS.


~Val in cloudy Rockford

JacquelineMarie said...

I have seen the last lecture and yes it has been inspiring BUT Steve, you and Kim have been just as inspiring, along with your friends who are right by your side. The love and support surrounding you is the way that this life should be played. YOU have given us ALL an opportunity to do the right thing..thank you Steve!!!