Kim and I went to my radiation treatment scheduled for 10:15am. We arrived about 10:10 and I was done before 10:30 including the following pictures. :) We stuck around to talk with Dr. Mehta and as soon as I told him how I felt, he said Outstanding, I won't keep you...took all of about 1 minute. :)
I thought I would share some pics of my radiation experience to give you an idea of what the experience is like. This first one is my radiation tech team. From Left - Sarah, Susan, Lyndsey. They are super nice and caring individuals who did a great job explaining everything to me, then brought Kim in today so she could take pictures and see the process first hand.
This is a picture of the Radiation machine. It is very similar to an X Ray machine. The machine can move 180 Degrees side to side and front to back. In addition, the table I am laying on moves freely to allow them to put me in the exact position every time. The entire process takes about 10 minutes. The set up includes a ton of mathematical details including the exact size of pillow that goes under my knees. The Techs have to get a specific BS Degree to manage these machines. Pretty amazing.
I told you in my last post that the mask I wear made me feel like Hannibal from Silence of the Lambs! Today, Kim took a picture to prove it. The purpose of the mask is to help them line up the machine and keep my head in the same position every time. It feels about as funny as it looks. :) I wanted to share it in its raw form because I know my buddies Jeff and Mark are chomping at the bit to put this in Photoshop to have some fun!
As you can see, my attitude is great and I am feeling amazing physically. Here is part of the reason that I feel so great today. Kim took this week off to take me to my treatments which has been great sharing this experience with her, but next week she has to go back to work. We had to reach out to a couple people who offered to help shuttling me up to Madison and back each day. I called Lyle (the sandwich savior from surgery day and one of my closest friends :). And Swan another close friend, and my Mom who would take me up every day if she could....Bless her heart!
Out of the 22 days that we needed help, Lyle and Swan picked up 15 of the days. Blew my mind. It is truly amazing how friends and family have jumped to help me. I can't put in to words how much it means....all I did was tell them what I had open and they sent me a ton of days each that they wanted to do it. I know I have some amazing friends, but this once again just blows me away.
This experience has already taught me the value of family and friends. I will never be able to take family or friends for granted again. It is truly an amazing feeling. Swan and Lyle, just know how much I appreciate what you guys are doing for me. Thank You.
I want to send another thank you to a close Mentor of mine from my NH Days who I know is reading and keeping tabs on me. As you can see, I have taken your advice and overcome my fear and actually asked for help! Thank you Martin B. for opening my mind to that. :) Cheers.
The reason so many of your friends and family are so willing to help out in any way that we can is simple. The world is a better place with you in it, and our aim is to make sure that's exactly where you stay! Nuff said don't want to give you a big head (bald is bad enough, Big and Bald?!? Let's not go there.) Your strength is an inspiration to us all! Much Love your Big Bro
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." are not nearly as creepy as Hannibal bro. Good to hear that treatment is going well and very happy to hear that your pals are getting you where you need to go! Thanks to them!
Richard E. Byrd said; "Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used."
Keep reaching deep my friend!
I asked Paula Dean what to do during a hectic week and she told me of a wonderful place that her boys visited.
Can we say mmmmmm..... PIE!!!!!
Compliments of your friends on the 3rd floor. Take care this week.
Two words - mesh panties
I can't believe Mark P. didn't come up with that one!
Guys, unfortunately have a gene that doesn't allow us to ask for help, i.e. directions, etc. It's a gene that has no use to us whatsover. I'm guessing it's the same gene that produces hairs in our ears with the size and consistency of pipe cleaners.
I know you appreciate the help, but please also realize that helping you is also a good form of therapy for us. Doing nothing makes us feel helpless, and that's not what we want as we try and help you beat this thing. I'll consider it an honor to take your butt up to Madison as often as you'll let me.
Like the many road trips before; you pick the tunes and I'll do the driving.
Do I need to ask Kim for directions ;)
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